TEI Grants

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Inserito il 30/11/2011

TEI Community Initiative Grants
Proposals Due 15 December 2011
Total Call: $4,000

The TEI Board is delighted to announce a call for Community Initiative
Grants. Proposed projects proposed should support and promote the goals
of the TEI and should be carried out within one year of the date of the

Applications will be adjudicated according to the following criteria:

ؠ * excellence of the proposal;

ؠ * contribution of the activity to the promotion and development of
the TEI;

ؠ * track record of individuals or group proposing the activity;

ؠ * deliverables which are realistic and can be accomplished within the
budget and time period proposed.

Although there is no upper amount for any individual proposal,
applicants should bear in mind that the total amount for this grant call
is $4,000.

Proposals should be no longer than three pages (ca. 750 words) and
should contain the following information:

1. Name and contact details of proposer
2. Name of organization (if the proposal is being submitted on behalf of
a TEI SIG or other organistion)
3. Narrative addressing the criteria above.
4. Amount requested. Please indicate if it would be possible to carry
out the activity with less funding, and if so, how that would change the
nature of the proposal.
5. Date for final report

Please send submissions to Susan Schreibman susan.schreibman AT
gmail.com by 15 December 2011

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia