3 months post-doc position, London

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Inserito il 20/05/2017

The following job vacancy may be of interest. It’s very short term, unfortunately, but is a three-month post-doctoral position to work with me on (re)developing a major funding bid for a new project on multi/polygraphism and digital methods. The idea is that if the bid is successful then the post-holder would be employed as a member of the new project. Full details are available at https://www.hirewire.co.uk/HE/1061247/MS_JobDetails.aspx?JobID=76783 but I’m also happy to answer questions directly.


All the best,


> Dr Peter Stokes

> Reader, Department of Digital Humanities King's College London Room 215, 2nd Floor

> 26-29 Drury Lane

> London, WC2B 5RL

> Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2813

> peter.stokes@kcl.ac.uk


Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia