3 year fellowship in Lyon for digital editions of medieval texts

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Inserito il 23/11/2013

The DIXIT ITN is offering 12 fellowships for Early Stage Researchers (not yet doctors, having obtained a Master degree in the past 4 years, and NOT having spent more than 12 months in the host country during the past 3 years). 

One of those 3-year fellowships is based at the EHESS Lyon (ESR 5), under my general supervision*. See here for more information: 
The research project is designed to be carried out as a PhD thesis and includes the following tasks: 
- Preparation of a digital edition of a medieval work (preferably a collection of biblical distinctiones). 
- Assessment & evaluation of methods and tools for digital scholarly editing. 
- Assessment of, and proposition for the ergonomy and usability of digital scholarly editions. 

If you are interested, please follow the procedure described in the link above, and do not hesitate to get in touch with me for more information. 
Warning: the deadline for application is Dec. 10th 2013!! 

Best regards, 
Marjorie Burghart
CIHAM UMR 5648 - EHESS Lyon (France)

* please note that, while I am supervising the EHESS part of the DIXIT project, the actual supervision of the fellow's PhD will be done by the person best suited to the topic chosen. 

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia