Digital Resources Engagement Officer, Cambridge

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Inserito il 19/05/2012

Royal Museums Greenwich in partnership with Cambridge University is
developing a JISC-funded project, 'Navigating 18th-Century Science and
Technology: The Board of Longitude', which will create an online resource
based on the extraordinary archives of the British Board of Longitude
(1714-1828). The proposed resource will draw on and make links between
important collections held at Cambridge University Library (CUL) and Royal
Museum's Greenwich (RMG).

A key role in the development and delivery of the project will be the
one-year, full-time position of Digital Resources Engagement Officer, who
will forge the links between the partner collections and create engaging
digital learning resources for a broad audience base.

Job description

The post-holder will develop project-linked digital content and programmes
for learning across all audiences, widening access to and participation in
the partners' collections. They will work closely with colleagues in the
Curatorial, Learning and Interpretation and Digital Media departments of
the RMG, and liaise with CUL and the Department of History and Philosophy
of Science, Cambridge.

for details and application forms go to

Salary:  £20,250 - £28,250

Closing date for applications: 27 May 2012

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia