Innovation Manager on Digital Transformation and Curation in GLAM

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Inserito il 21/03/2022

Vacancy for a full-time IOF Manager on Digital Transformation and Curation in GLAM @KU Leuven, Belgium. 



The goal of Industrial Research Fund (lOF) at KU Leuven is to accelerate the transfer of knowledge and innovations arising from strategic basic research to the market. A team of more than 40 experienced Innovation Managers, embedded within research groups throughout the University and University Hospital, achieve this goal primarily by establishing mutually beneficial, collaborative relationships with a broad range of external partners in industry, academia, as well as national and regional public-private organizations. For the multidisciplinary team DigitGLAM, we are looking for an innovation manager. DigitGLAM will offer consultancy services and expertise to Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) and their networks in the fields of digital curation, digital transformation and the use of digital technologies for user engagement. In doing so, DigitGLAM aims to become (i) the most obvious partner for Flemish and European GLAM institutions when preparing funding applications related to GLAM, and (ii) a leading expertise center for these institutions when struggling with the implementation of digital, collection-based work-flows. More info on DigitGLAM can be found on this web page.  
You can apply for this job no later than April 14, 2022 

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia