Assistant Professor in Computational thinking, South Denmark

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Inserito il 19/02/2019

from "Humanist"

Assistant Professorship,


The elite Assistant Professorship is announced at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark, and is sponsored by my department, Department of Design and Communication. The position is within the area of /Computational thinking, visualization and digital humanities/ and starts August 1^st or as soon as possible thereafter.


The position is for four years with the possibility for a subsequent two years of employment as an Associate Professor. There is ample research funding attached to this position, and limited teaching obligations as compared to normal Assistant Professorships.


The Danish IAS at University of Southern Denmark is a research centre that aims to inspire ground-breaking ideas through the meeting of minds across the sciences and humanities. The Danish IAS engages leading academics through its visitor programme, weekly lectures, and quarterly colloquia. There is a strong focus on talent development of young researchers who work on game-changing ideas. Eminent academics are appointed as chairs, and in that capacity form the backbone of the Danish IAS as they catalyze activities within their field.

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia