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Inserito il 12/11/2011

ARTELOPE Database goes live with open access

The ARTELOPE research group, coordinated by Joan Oleza (University of
Valencia, Spain), is pleased to announce that the ARTELOPE Database is
available through open access at this direct link,
or through the website of the TC/12 project, "Classical Spanish
Theatrical Patrimony. Texts and Research Instruments",

ARTELOPE was created from the perspective of applying new technologies
to the Humanities and with the objective of contributing to the
development of new tools for digital research in the Humanities. The
database includes information and plots of an essential corpus of the
Spanish theatrical patrimony that is very hard tackle from a general
perspective due to its vast size: Lope de Vega's theatre.

The Project has evolved thanks to constant funding by Spain's R+D
national programme since 2001 until today, and with the collaboration of
26 researchers (out of 42 who have participated over its ten years of
life) from various European, Latin American and Spanish universities.

At this stage, in which ARTELOPE has just gone live, any indications
about technical errors, malfunctions or suggestions will be very much
appreciated and welcomed. The webpage offers a service in order to send
comments or suggestions to the ARTELOPE administrators.
The team coordinated by Joan Oleza hopes that, with this open-access
webpage, all the efforts invested will contribute to enhance the study
and knowledge of Spanish classical theatre in general and of Lope de
Vega in particular.

Nàdia Revenga
Tècnic superior d'investigació
TC/12 Patrimonio teatral clásico español
Universitat de València

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia