Critical Apparatus Module

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Inserito il 04/09/2011

During a workshop of the latest TEI MM in Zadar, it was decided, in the
work plan of the SIG for 2011, to start a special workgroup on the
critical apparatus chapter / module. This workgroup, which I've been
convening, has been discussing the issues of this module, trying to
identify its shortcomings and the ways it could be improved. We have
produced a document on the TEI Wiki, summarizing our email discussions:

There have been several threads on the list, recently, about problems
related to the Critical Apparatus module. I would like to invite all
those who use the module, or would like to use it, to seize this
oportunity to share on the list (and/or on the wiki page) their feedback
on the Crit. App. module and chapter, the issues they have had while
working on TEI critical editions, or the good points they want to stress
in the module. Suggestions for improvement are, of course, welcome. The
outcome of the discussion will be discussed further during the SIG
meeting at the TEIMM 2011 in Würzburg.

It strikes me that many people feel unhappy with this crucial module,
each time thinking that it's because the module has been designed with
other usages / users in mind: scholars interested in "born-digital"
editions representing the variance of a text complain that the module
has been designed with print editions in mind, while scholars wo
endeavour to encode a print edition complain that it's not adequate
either. There must be some way to make everybody happy - at least, why
not give it a try? ;)

Best wishes,

EHESS (pôle de Lyon) / UMR 5648
Histoire et Archéologie des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux
18 quai Claude Bernard
69007 Lyon - FRANCE

Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia