Grants of the National Historical Publications & Records Commission

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Inserito il 15/02/2014


The National Historical Publications & Records Commission, the grantmaking
arm of the United States National Archives, has been revising its grant
programs to better reflect the way people are accessing and using historical
records, the goals of the National Archives for public access and open
government, and the goal of the Administration for a better Digital

On our blog Annotation (, we have posted
overviews of each of our six new programs along with drafts of the new grant

Access to Historical Records - projects to support preserving and processing
primary source materials.

Literacy & Engagement with Historical Records -- projects to explore ways to
improve digital literacy and encourage citizen engagement with historical

Online Publishing of Historical Records - projects to publish historical
records online, including, compiling, digitizing, transcribing, and
annotating documentary source materials.

Publishing Historical Records Online: Transition Support - projects to
assist print-only documentary editions and documentary editions available
only through paid subscriptions to complete their projects and/or provide
free online access.

State Board Programming Grants - projects by state historical records
advisory boards to enhance access to historical records, increase citizen
engagement with records, and provide learning and development opportunities
for students, citizens and professional archivists.

State Government Electronic Records -- projects to accession, describe,
preserve, and provide access to state government electronic records of
enduring value.

We welcome your comments on the announcements on Annotation. In addition,
each post includes information on webinars about these new programs that we
will hold between February 19-26.

These webinars are designed to provide direct contact with the NHPRC staff
to ask questions and share your ideas.

We need your feedback by Thursday, February 27th in order to meet the new
schedule for the FY 2015 grants cycle.
Università degli Studi di Siena - Via Banchi di Sotto 55, 53100 Siena - Italia