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Alessandro Barchiesi Short-term positions: Whitney J. Oates Short Term Fellowship, Princeton (1994). Visiting professor, Harvard (1995-96), University of Texas at Austin (1996), Stanford (1999). Vaughn lecture in the Classics (Stanford, 1997); N. Wallace Lectureship (Oxford, 1998); Jerome Lectures, University of Michigan / American Academy in Rome (2002 and 2003), Gray Lectures, University of Cambridge (2001); curso de posgrado, University of Buenos Aires (2000); visiting lecturer, Unisa (Pretoria) and keynote speaker, KwaZulu University, CASA 2005 conference (Durban); Lansdowne Lecturer 2005, University of Victoria (Canada). Member of scientific board and co-founder, "Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici" (Pisa l978-). Editor of a new international, multi-authored commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses for the Fondazione Lorenzo Valla. General editor of the journal ‘Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica’ (with G. Guidorizzi), Florence 2002-. Contributions to collective volumes and anthologies: D. Roberts-F. Dunn-D. Fowler, Classical closure, Princeton 1997; The Cambridge Companion to Virgil (ed. Martindale, 1997); Oxford Readings in the Roman Novel (ed. Harrison, 1999); Virgil. Critical Assessments, ed. Ph. Hardie, Routledge 1999; Matrices of genre (ed. Obbink-Depew, Harvard UP 2000); Texts, Ideas and the Classics (ed. S.J. Harrison, OUP 2001); Praise and desire. Contexts for the New Simonides (ed. D. Boedeker-D. Sider) OUP 2000; The Cambridge Companion to Ovid, ed. Ph. Hardie (2002); Horace: form and content, ed. D. Feeney-.T. Woodman, CUP 2002; Mars Ultor in the Forum Augustum: a verbal monument, with a vengeance, in G. Herbert-Brown (ed.), Ovid’s Fasti. Historical Readings at its Bimillennium, Oxford 2002, 1-22; Palingenre: Death, rebirth, and Horatian iambos, in M. Paschalis, ed., Horace and Greek lyiric poetry, Rethymnon 2002, 47-63; Learned eyes: poets, viewers, and image-makers, in K. Galinsky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus, New York 2005; [with Andrea Cucchiarelli] The poet’s body: modes of satiric self-representation, in K. Freudenburg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman satire, Cambridge 2005, 207-23; The search for the perfect book: a PS to the new Posidippus, in K. Gutzwiller (ed.) The new Posidippus : a Hellenistic poetry book, Oxford 2005, 308-30; Centre and periphery, in S.J. Harrison (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Latin Literature, Oxford 2005, 394-405; Masculinity in the 90’s: the education of Achilles in Statius and Quintilian, in M. Paschalis (ed.), Greek and Roman imperial epic, Rethymno Classical Studies 3, 2005. Work under contract: Virgilian Geopoetics (Cambridge University Press); Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies (general editor, with Walter Scheidel: Oxford University Press); Classical Literature in Theory. An anthology (Blackwell); Introduzione al romanzo antico (with L. Graverini and W. Keulen; Carocci editore); contributions to: Cambridge Companions to Horace, and to Greek lyric; Oxford Handbook of Greek Studies; Brill’s Companion to Roman religion; Brill’s Companion to Pastoral Poetry. Editor (with Ph. Hardie and S. Hinds) of the volume Ovidian Transformations, Cambridge PCPS Suppl. 1999, and (with A.Aloni and A. Cavarzere) of the volume Iambic Ideas, Lanham (MD) 2000; with J. Ruepke and S. Stephens, of the volume Rituals in ink, Stuttgart 2004. Referee activity: Arethusa, MD, Phoenix, Classical Philology, Cambridge UP, California UP, Oxford UP, Michigan UP, Princeton UP. reviews: published in RFIC, Gnomon, JRS, CW, BMCR, CR, CJ APA: presider of a panel (Washington 1998), respondent to a panel (San Diego 2001); joint panel APA-AIA on Empires (Boston 2005). D.Phil. examining: Oxford Reviews of my work in English: TLS April 15, 1994 (D. Fowler); CP 9O, 1995, 367-78 (E. Fantham); NYRB XLV,1 (January 15, 1998) (B.M.W. Knox); TLS January 2, 1998, 29 (M. Fox); BMCR 2002 (M. Lowrie). Accademico (1998-) Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana, Mantova Fondazione Valla, member of scientific board (2000-) Lectures and seminars given in several Italian Universities and also (in English) at Cambridge (several), Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Oxford (several), Harvard (bis), Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Princeton (bis), NYU (bis), Texas (ter), Baylor, Rutgers (ter), UC Berkeley (bis), UC Santa Barbara, UW at Seattle (ter), UW at Madison, UCLA (bis), U of Florida (Gainesville and Tallahassee), Virginia, Brown, Ohio State, U of Pennsylvania, U of Georgia, Emory, Center for Hellenic Studies, U of Cincinnati, U of Michigan, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Miami University, the Pacific Rim Seminar in Rome (1995) and at the FIEC 1994 meeting in Québec; APA 1997; Classical Association, Bristol 2000; Cambridge Triennial, 2005; Buenos Aires, Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela; Lille; Rethymno, Thessaloniki; Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Tübingen, Mannheim and Frankfurt. Recent publications (reviews not included):
(75) Otto punti su una mappa dei naufragi, in D. Fowler-S. Hinds (edd.), Memoria, arte allusiva, intertestualità, MD 39, 1997, 209-26 (76) Voci dal II volume dell'Enciclopedia Oraziana, Roma 1997: generi letterari (35-37) elegia (42-44) proemi e chiuse (727-32) sequenze (741-42) (77) no. 56 in Praise and desire. Contexts for the new Simonides, ed. D. Boedeker and D. Sider, Oxford-New York 2000 (78) The crossing, In S.J. Harrison (ed.) Tetxts, ideas and the Classics, Oxford, OUP 2001, 142-63 (79) Rituals in ink, in M. Depew-D. Obbink, Matrices of genre, Harvard UP 2000, 167-82; 290-94. (80) Venus' masterplot: Ovid and Homeric Hymns, in P. Hardie-S. Hinds- A. Barchiesi, edd., Ovidian Transformations, PCPS Suppl. 23, Cambridge 1999, 112-26 (81) Vers une histoire à rebours de l'élégie latine: les Héroides "doubles" (16-21), in J. Fabre-Serris-A. Deremetz, edd., Elégie et epopée dans la poésie ovidienne (Heroides et Amours). En hommage à Simone Viarre, Lille 1999, 53-67 (89) Horace and iambos: the poet as a literary historian, in A. Aloni-A. Barchiesi-A. Cavarzere, edd., Iambic Ideas, Lanham (MD) 2001 (90) Narrative technique and narratology in the Metamorphoses, in P. Hardie (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ovid, Cambridge 2002, 179-98 (91) Simonides and Horace on the death of Achilles, in D. Boedeker-D. Sider (edd.), The New Simonides. Contexts of praise and desire, Oxford 2001, 255-60 (92) Speaking volumes, London, Duckworth 2001 (202 pp.) (93) Mars Ultor in the Forum Augustum: a verbal monument, with a vengeance, in G. Herbert-Brown (ed.), Ovid’s Fasti. Historical Readings at its Bimillennium, Oxford 2002, 1-22 (94) The uniqueness of the Carmen Saeculare and its tradition, in T. Woodman-D. Feeney, Traditions & Contexts in the poetry of Horace, Cambridge 2002, 107-23; 229-32 (95) Palingenre: Death, rebirth, and Horatian iambos, in M. Paschalis, ed., Horace and Greek lyiric poetry, Rethymnon 2002, 47-69 (96) Rituals in ink, ed. by A.B., Joerg Ruepke, Susan Stephens, Stuttgart, 2004 (97) Quel che resta dell’ecphrasis, in R. Ascarelli (ed.), Il classico violato. Per un museo letterario del ‘900, Roma 2004, 11-19
(99) Quando Virgilio era un moderno: una delle più antiche recite delle Georgiche, e il contesto di una spiritosaggine, MD 52, 2004, 21-8 (Studies in honor of Michael Putnam) (100) Learned eyes: poets, viewers, and image-makers, in K. Galinsky (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus, New York 2005 101 [with Andrea Cucchiarelli] The poet’s body: modes of satiric self-representation, in K. Freudenburg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman satire, Cambridge 2005, 207-23 102 The search for the perfect book: a PS to the new Posidippus, in K. Gutzwiller (ed.) The new Posidippus : a Hellenistic poetry book, Oxford 2005, 308-30 103 Centre and periphery, in S.J. Harrison (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Latin Literature, Oxford 2005, 394-405 104 Masculinity in the 90’s: the education of Achilles in Statius and Quintilian, in M. Paschalis (ed.), Greek and Roman imperial epic, Rethymno Classical Studies 3, 2005 105 Ovidio. Metamorfosi, vol. I, a cura di A. Barchiesi, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, Milano 2005 106 Lane-switching and jughandles in contemporary interpretations of Roman poetry, TAPA 135 (2005) |